Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Worm trumps Frog

11:15 AM

The weather in Auckland has been progressively getting worse. It rains non stop. The wind blows to no end and my umbrella is taking a terrible beating for it. I have two umbrellas and both have inverted at some point. Just recently I spotted some rust on my black and white polka dotted one. Apparently, Auckland saw the worst storm of the century during the weekend. I received numerous text messages warning me to stay away from windows and to prepare for power cuts. I didn't think the storm was too bad though. It did set a huge downer on everyone but there were no smashing windows or moments of intrepid darkness in the blizzard.

That aside, education has only been getting more and more interesting on my part. Yesterday, I dissected a worm and disgustedly poked at it's slimy organs. Pretty impressive actually. Before this, I would've never stopped grimacing and wailing in utter disgust if I was made to hold worm. But in an attempt to appear literate and composed, I stifled my disgust and held the worm in my hand, even mildly squeezing and rolling it between my palms at one point to feel the chaetae on it's body. Stripping the skin layer was quite tricky. Turns out, my first dissection wasn't too good.

Hahhaah, sry!!! But then again, grossing you out was my intention....

This was my lab partner's (Celia) dissection. Her dissection put my dissecting skills to shame.....
That was an interesting lab. And apparently, there're bigger, better and juicier things to come. So stay tuned!
Psych was just as interesting. We're learning social psychology this semester. And one of the components is love and relationships which left me completely intrigued. The lecturer went on to explain all the different types of symptoms and feelings when you're in love or in a relationship. All along I thought I was this really cynical person, turns out there's more to everything. Like how there are generally two different kinds of reaction when it comes to attraction. Some people just need one major aspect to be attracted to another. One thing sets them off and they find themselves falling deeply in love. While others had to find a whole package.
And then there was the deeply engaging lecturer on explicit and implicit characteristics. Think you're not a racist person. Never have been. Never will be? Think again. You might have a racial preference without even knowing it. We're evaluating this at our psych lab today. You might want to check out this site and see if you were actually different from the person you thought you were.
Have fun! Gotta run off for lectures now.....
....in the rain! Barh....
you know you love me!


mike said...

in WHAT world does worm trump frog?
i cant see a worm winning a frog in anything.. 1 on 1 wrestling, frog will win without using his hands.
1 on 1 singing, frog-THE WINNER.

and certainly ur worm doesnt have a beating heart.

Froggin Frogtastic trumps Wormthless Wormin.

"hi im harry potter and i talk funny....i love dumbledore" *whisphers- and im ghay*

its 4am.. justifying the above.

Dimi said...

In my world, frogs are useless and worms RULE. AND since today is Nirmal's bday and she's a slothoworm (according to uuuu) you have to agree with me.... hehehehe..

My frog had a hard gizzard ok.. screw the heart!

ps: worms have a nervous system. Did u knw tht?
pps: the 4 am justification WAS necessary.....