Sunday, August 30, 2009

UMSA Ball 09

6:52 PM

I slept in this morning. Slept in til late and when I finally woke up, it was with the realization that I had nothing important to do today or nowhere I had to rush to before a certain time. My past few weeks had been defined by deadlines. By challenges and marketing hurdles. It all paid off last night. Planning started months ahead of the ball. We finally got a taste of the fruit of our bearing last night during which the entire team danced into the twilight. Literally. To belong to such an amazing talented crew of people was thus far one of the better experiences in my life. It felt like rotaract in it's glorious days all over again. Everyone had roles of their own and each pitched in with as much zest as would have been expected of them. I think that was what made it more meaningful at the end of the day. That just like mine was, everyone else's heart was into this one grand event. Whether it was performing, or helping out with decorations or promoting, we were all in this together. And there is nothing like togetherness to make the world feel like a better place.

I'd say it wasn't all cotton candy and fairy dust though. Working with people is not easy. Sometimes you just wish you could squeeze their neck to make ends meet. But my experience in UMSA has taught me a lot about compromise, toleration and team work. The stress that came with organizing the ball pushed people to their limits at times. It almost took me by surprise a couple of times how some people who I thought would hardly lose their cool were pushed to their breaking points. Oddly, it made me respect them just a little bit more. I can't say that I now know the committee in and out, but working so closely with a group of people certainly brought us closer to one another. I've had numerous people ask me if I had plans to remain in the committee. Usually I'd go for it. But now I don't know anymore. I don't think UMSA will ever feel the same without my original committee. And as much as the excitement of working with a new committee is enthralling, I'm not sure I can handle losing my old one. Ah well. I'm just being a big baby.

I've put up a couple of pictures from last night up here but there's a photo log on it as a created album on facebook which takes you through the last few days.

Some of the details that the marketing team was in charge of. Ticket designing, ticket wrapping, ball promotion, table planners, posters.

a closer glimpse of the tickets. I love the colour combination.

The photo spot as Crowne Plaza. This was what Azhan and I were incharge of on the morning of the ball. Atie bought the drapes and thanks to June, we managed to come up with quite a creation.

Our drum performance for the China scene in our skit. We were using buckets. yes.

With the people at my table. Table 9.

I still find Tuan such a joy to be around. LOL. He taught us some good fight moves for our China fight scene in the skit. And he choreographed the drum beats too.

from left Kauthar, Joss who was the emcee for the night, Jie Huei who choreographed all our dances, Allan who played one of the Ali's angels amazingly well, me, ex-UMSA president Ying Swan and Atie who came up with the entire deco idea for the ballroom for the night.

The committee at our photo spot minus a few people.
I'm just very thankful that I was part of the experience. Grateful that I got to meet many many amazing people that night.
Got a two week mid semester break before reality settles in yet again. And then it's back to tests and assignments.

Friday, August 28, 2009


7:06 AM

This one's for you Foo!
Happy 21st Birthdayyyyy!!!!

I think you're awesome coz you can be intensely hot!!!

.....stand tall (literally) in heels that I can only dream of wearing.....'re never constricted when it comes to creativity.........
.......your love for Starbucks mirrors mine (just like so many other things).....

.....for the signature pose that reflects unique-ness?!?!...........
..........for not being a lightweight, I respect you woman! you hold your liquor well (sorta)..........

.......for the years we spent growing up together. I know I've been through more with you than all of my friends combined. (lol. i look hideous in this picture!!)..........

.......for the support you provided me with, be it in Rotaract or in even the most mediocre events in my life................

..........for the matches and mismatches..........

.........for the concept of the sisterhood..........

........coz ice-cream tastes so much better with you around.....

........coz i've shared celebrated moments with celebrities in your company........

.........coz when we're together, life goes by in euphoric blurry flashes of light..........

.......for providing me with the dog I never had........
I was thinking. For your 21st birthday, I could get you......

.....a hot guy from New Zealand......

......sexay lingerie?........

......or perhaps, I could take you out to some expensive restaurant.......
But for now...
physical distance creates a boundary and what we're left with is the fact that regardless of all we've been through and everything that's happened, we will never be able to get rid of each other! Now isn't that a lovely surprise? lol.
BFFs forever n ever n ever n ever n ever n ever.......
n yes. I will get you something when I head back.
imma faint now. so gonna hit snoooooze button.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just a Lil Colour

11:54 PM

I got my hair highlighted for free today! yayness. all thanks to Wei-Yuen who referred me to another friend of hers who was training at this academy. And it only took about two hours. Now i have these awesome copper coloured streaks in my hair. Absolutely love it!

can you see it?

I likey!!!

I still can't believe my luck! dahahhaha.
In other areas. My RA seemingly has swine flu. What's worse is that she lives right beside me! ugh. Social psych test tomorrow. Must. Stop. Now. Must. Start. Studyinggggggg.........

Saturday, August 22, 2009


10:41 PM

There's so much I want to say. But I can't. Because I am in the midst of writing a report on the McGurk effect and speech perception. It's a very interesting effect if you ask me. Just not when you're forced to read a thousand articles about it from PsycInfo ... I spent the entire afternoon drifting away into the land of sleep and reading about Love and Attraction for my social psych test this coming Thursday. Yes. It's one of those concentrated weeks yet again. Report due on Wednesday. Test on thursday. Ball on Sunday.

I look forward to the break. During which i have to try and catch up with whatever's in the trajectory ahead of me. Last week of uni this one. Before spring break. Alrighteo. Gotta keep this short, so here's a few updates from the past week (weeks??!). More like ONE day. But updates from all those weeks during which my blogging hiatus lasted will take me a fortnight to write.

pictured here is Agata and her boyfriend, Lee with their pink wigs ;) At her farewell party in BoogieWonderland.
Agata Dzwonek. My awesome Canadian floor mate left for Canada last night. It was one of the more emotional goodbyes for all of us 9th floorers. Simply coz this pretty lass with a lot of spunk and absolutely no fear was anything but ordinary. We all grew to love her with time, even if it was only a mere three months. She was always offering, never taking, terribly comforting. Pity that she's gone. But I've come to accept how life lets you come across some of the most inspiring, friendly people and then take them away ever so often. Just like the bad apples, the good one come and go. Acceptance. I'm glad to have obtained it over the months, especially the months that I've spent here in Auckland.

taken in the span of my room.

I finally managed to pull off the look. Not that I've changed 360 degrees. Far from it. Sometimes it's just about being confident in your skin and not looking at yourself and coming up with slandering remarks. Acceptance. So what if you have slobbery thighs or a muffin top or all those imperfections? just accept it. work on it. love it. and trust that despite it, you still look good. A friend told me just recently that whenever he went out with his girlfriend, she'd complain about all this odd things about herself, but ironically, all those odd things were the reasons he was with her in the first place. Most of them being physical characteristics.

This picture is for the peace of mind of my mother. Don't worry mumsy. I still covered up coz i had this image of you looking at me in a disapproving manner. LMAO. kidding.

From left, Ged, Jess and Suks. It was also Suks 21st that night. So we club hopped from Boogie Wonderland, to CrowBar where we all got free drinks, and then to The MET and then back to Boogie WOnderland.

My girlies. Moe, me, Rigamoto and Kailas.

A very bad photo of a couple of peeps from my floor. Although, this picture pretty much captures the essence of our personalities. Blurry. Crazy. Wreckless. All over the place.

Me and the bestfriend. Honestly, without her I'd be like a little lost lamb. We're perhaps the only two sane ones in all our outings.

Boogie WOnderland. I LOVE the dance floor. Full of creeps. But amazing colours and decor. And the music is so retro 70s. Perfection!

Ok. Back to my report now.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I love.........

9:35 PM

My current loves....

The way the sky tower glows at night....
Kailas. For the type of person that she is.

Discovering new pathways through town.

Creative spurts courtesy of my friends...... (john gave francine this for her 20th birthday recently)

heart warming spontaneous gestures.......

winter coils

floating lilies.

how the sun cascades in every now and then....

weaves. creativity amidst nature.

how it's slowly coming into spring.......

(see quote above)

sharing food! everything tastes better when shared! n it's kinder on the wallet too.

UMSA..... (majority not in this pic. duhhh)

flea markets.

wall grafiti.