Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy Deepavali!!!

4:49 AM

As doctors, we're trained to be skeptical, because our patients lie to us all the time. The rule is, every patient is a liar until proven honest. Lying is bad. Or so we are told constantly from birth—honesty is the best policy, the truth shall set you free, I chopped down the cherry tree, whatever. The fact is, lying is a necessity. We lie to ourselves because the truth, the truth freaking hurts. -Greys Anatomy, season 2

Is it logical for a heterosexual girl to be completely in love with a woman's body? Coz right now, I am so loving Jessica Biel's hot bod. Watched Chuck and Larry this afternoon. And OMG. Jessica Biel has like the best physique ever. Just lean muscle. And more lean muscle. JT's a lucky man. Lucky. Lucky. Lucky. That rubber ducky! No. No. Am not slipping into lesbian-ism. Maybe if I look at Jessica Biel long enough, I might. Come to think of it, I have been quite fascinated with the anatomy of women for some time now. Kate Walsh's curves rocks! Ah, the curvy, muscled woman. How I wish I had hollywood trainers and nutritionists and personal stylists to make me the iconic curvy muscled woman.

Pictures from Sunday night. Go to Cassie's blog for more....

All of us at Luna Bar, minus Mike

Me - with my screaming orgasm (sadly in a sad looking cup which doesn't do the drink justice at all!) and Nirmal, growing pinker by the minute

Mostly, foam... Mike and Ben's shared pina colada.

My interview with one of the reps at the Ministry of education was today. My mom made a book out of all my certs and personal documents yesterday. Literally! She made me submit extra certs and extra reference letters. And then she printed out page breaks in coloured paper, and labelled them with sections. And she put this tiny stick on flags on each section so that it would be easy to flip over. Ever the meticulous woman. Anyway, presumably, i came in with the thickest looking stash in a folder, while everyone else simply used paper clips. And just the previous day I was trying to make my personal statement sound as non-narcissistic as possible. But according to mom, being humble sometimes does not pay.

Anyway, the interview, despite being my first and having little to compare it to, was rather odd. Coz it seemed like no one knew what was going on. The interviewer was the most confused of the lot. He was surprised that his name was on the website when he was not really informed about anything by the ministry of education in New Zealand. I find this all a little worrying. Coz there's a high possibility that I might end up not getting the scholarship due to competition but I didn't anticipate not being eligible due to confusion amongst those in authority. Pffth!

Went to see Miss Irma again the day before that. I promised her that the remaining S2 students would take her for a treat before leaving. So S2? When ah? Both Miss Irma and Miss Joy wrote amazing reference letters for me. Technically, I wasn't supposed to read Miss Joy's letter coz it was sealed. But she provided 3 copies, so i just tore into one. I cannot tahan suspense okayyy. So a HUGE thank you to both lecturers for their awesome letters in such short notice. Also managed to get letters from the President of the rotary club and the immediate past president of RAC Bdr Sunway. Plus Miss Elisa's letter, that would be 5. Thanks to mom's endless bugging. Sigh. But i geddit, that me getting any financial aid at all is important.

Lunch today was, eh, interesting. Is it totally wrong that I find people who are intimidated by me and show it, completely adorable? The fumbling for words is just so kewt! (cute) Not that anyone should be intimidated by me la... But there are those rare occasions. LOL.

Deepavali's tomorrow. And somewhat, this year feels more festive than the previous year. Deepavali 06 was one in mourning. Didn't buy any new clothes. ANd I want new lengas! I have only one really gorgeous lenga which I wear to almost every function I attend. And one Punjabi suit which I wore last when I was in Form 2 i think. I bet my ass can't fit into it anymore. Oh, can can, it's the drawstring type. So, the point is, I want more lengas! I want lengas from India to be shipped my way!

Will be bringing muruku for the rotaract meeting this coming sunday. Oh, n no money packets for those visiting me, mummy says "v need the money". She wanted to give out one ringgit notes but I discouraged her to save us from the 'cheapskate' label.

Oh, I am, apparently, a manipulator. Was reading Cleo yesterday and I discovered that my personality manipulates. Sad but true. I lie extremely well. Without flinching. I'm good. In a bad way. Right Leez? Right?

No matter how hard we try to ignore or deny it, eventually the lies fall away, whether we like it or not. But here's the truth about the truth: It hurts. So we lie. -Greys anatomy, S2