Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Me - The Busy Working Chick....

4:46 AM

Good things come in small packages ; Great feelings come as a result of small actions....... -who ah??

Working Day Number 2
- Mad rush to work, was 8 minutes late in punching my card....
-Met up with Dr. Chow Su Lin (paediatrician with a billion dollar smile) who gave me a list of
duties to be carried out...
- She told me I didn't strike her as an aspiring nutritionist, more like a surgeon.... Bluek! was
wide-eyed and tried to maintain composure....
- Photostatted what felt like a million copies of LEAN stuff - confirmed pro at it now!!
- Many people nodding and smiling at me in the hallway, felt so welcomed!!!
- Toilet lady started talking tamil to me, embarrassingly told her i didn't speak it and to my utter
surprise, she rephrased in fluent english......
- Daphne asked "you indian??" "canNOT be, too fair for indian, must be chindian??" Looks are
deceiving my dear Daph, but was flattered hee.... It was just two weeks ago that Ben told me
"Dimi, i wanna be as dark as u laaaa"
- Stranger at nutritionist department, "errr, doctor, do you know......." was too stumped at the
mention of doctor to hear the rest...... Me? Doctor? *ROARS in laughter* Doctors wear white
coats and walk around with stethoscopes hanging around their necks and ID tags flashing
against their chests... Me? Not even remotely close........
- Blessed with the task of seeking high and low for youth communities and media people to
publicize the event....... Sigh! but Yay! Simultaneously.......
- Spent lotsa time sms-ing and checking out blogs when no one was looking, how un-ethical!!!!
Can you blame me??
- Picks up small fight with receptionists, then jokes with her.... Don't ask!
- Nice young man holds lift door open for me... for moi??? Awwww!
- Heart to Heart with Miss Yang who has a masters in nutrition and dietetics.... My favoritest
nutritionist there!!!!
- Yee Voon asks me about MUFY and A Levels and Monash....

That's my day for you........ Sorry for the rather non interesting mush.... Gonna be like that for quite some time.... Sigh! Just bear with me.....

Nut, will come over tomorrow but you HAVE to promise not to freak when you see me in formal wear............. Bleh

PS: (To anyone i know and doNOT regard as a stalker) Come visit me at SMC when you have the time, will be happy to spend my lunch hour with
you and NOT in the office over the Sun Newspapers.........


Cassie said...

exactly what time is your lunch hour?and haha your day sounds interesting..would love to drop by one day!

and ben is just desperately wanting to be tanned -_-"