Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Me - The Working Chick

6:57 AM

God, please give me the serenity to
accept things that I can't change,
the courage to change things i can,
the wisdom to know the difference....... - Anonymous

I read the haiku (..nah, it's not a haiku, i just wanted to say haiku..) off a post-it on my senior nutritionists desk... It was when i was left alone in the room, left to stare at the four walls and the clustered tables occupying the small space of the air conditioned room... Yup, there was a point, on my very first day of work, when i felt utterly bored and degraded... I just sat there, Thanking God that i had brought my ipod and 'Under the Duvet' with me, stashed miserably in my brown woolly handbag... I didn't think i that they would come off as any use but they sure did... There was great conflict built up within me before accepting this job (if you haven't figured it out by now, this prob doesn't interest you enough to keep your eyes open so go AWAY!!)... I had to call the WHOLE universe just to make sure i made the right choice. Sher, if you're wondering why you got a hundred missed calls on Monday morning, yea... that was me... Guilty as charged.....

Anyway, once again, I let my head rule and ignored the tortured shrieks of terror propelled by my heart... The early morning swim was far from good enough to shake off my nerves but everything was okay at the end of the day la... In short : I'm just too tired to blog about it.. I'm TOO tired to do anything...... Had fun while making the calls though... I like people. I have a knack for meeting people/speaking to people... Managed to convince a few to sign up for this LEAN programme they were having... YAY!!

ANd wtv! I'm toughing it out... Sry Cass!! But if it was in my contract to sit there and stare at the walls while making money, that's exactly what i'm gonna do.....

Oooh! And i'm a pro at photocopying now altho i was so freakin hopeless at it at the beginning and Daphne had to help me... Twice!! LOL Am still hopeless at the graphics stuff....... Bleh!
