Saturday, October 3, 2009

the Aww factor

5:27 AM

What is wrong with me?

Today was probably one of THE best days ever. I am as of now, officially the secretary of UMSA 2010 which means my campaign was effective and my presentation went smoothly. Thanks to everyone who came for the Annual General Meeting to vote. Big twist in the Top 4 results with Jack making it as the treasurer but I did not have as much of a problem with it as Jie Huei did. Hopefully, everything works out well and we will all be able to sort out our differences in order to maintain peace in the club.

But the real reason for it being one of the best was coz I'd never experienced such immaculate romance all at one go. I got a rose today. A single red rose (cue picture) in the sweetest way possible. It was all so unexpected. How I got picked up coz it was raining bullock carts, and then serenaded with a song written just for me in slow strums of a guitar in the background. It's hard to remain discrete about these things. Especially if it's a stare-in-your-face sort of romance that's either dead or overrated in this modern era.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm just always never too sure. Always doubting. Unable to come up with answers. Well. All i will say is the past four weeks have been one helluva adventure. Let's just hope this one sticks around for the aftermath.