Friday, August 28, 2009


7:06 AM

This one's for you Foo!
Happy 21st Birthdayyyyy!!!!

I think you're awesome coz you can be intensely hot!!!

.....stand tall (literally) in heels that I can only dream of wearing.....'re never constricted when it comes to creativity.........
.......your love for Starbucks mirrors mine (just like so many other things).....

.....for the signature pose that reflects unique-ness?!?!...........
..........for not being a lightweight, I respect you woman! you hold your liquor well (sorta)..........

.......for the years we spent growing up together. I know I've been through more with you than all of my friends combined. (lol. i look hideous in this picture!!)..........

.......for the support you provided me with, be it in Rotaract or in even the most mediocre events in my life................

..........for the matches and mismatches..........

.........for the concept of the sisterhood..........

........coz ice-cream tastes so much better with you around.....

........coz i've shared celebrated moments with celebrities in your company........

.........coz when we're together, life goes by in euphoric blurry flashes of light..........

.......for providing me with the dog I never had........
I was thinking. For your 21st birthday, I could get you......

.....a hot guy from New Zealand......

......sexay lingerie?........

......or perhaps, I could take you out to some expensive restaurant.......
But for now...
physical distance creates a boundary and what we're left with is the fact that regardless of all we've been through and everything that's happened, we will never be able to get rid of each other! Now isn't that a lovely surprise? lol.
BFFs forever n ever n ever n ever n ever n ever.......
n yes. I will get you something when I head back.
imma faint now. so gonna hit snoooooze button.