Friday, February 13, 2009

St. Valentine

8:56 PM

I find this valentines day rather ironic. Those who should have plans walk around with uncertainty. Those who shouldn't have plans aren't falling short. hmmmm. I'm retreating to the gym. Where I shall spend time with my first valentine of today. The treadmill.

As the days slip by, I'm feeling increasingly content. And maybe, just maybe, I sorta am looking forward to going back to Auckland again. There's something about a clean slate that's becoming increasingly appealing. Or perhaps it's the screw ups that I'm leaving behind....

Whatever the case, Happy Vday. Have a great one regardless of where you're spending it. In the slums of work. In the drunken fests of freshies boot camp night. In the spins of a night club. In the sweet embrace of your loved one. In the mound of your messed up life. Get lost in the moment.