Saturday, August 16, 2008

Soymilk Druggie

4:48 AM

I am addicted to soy milk. This is, unfortunately, a very expensive addiction. Serious. I can finish one carton a day! Why la? Why do u taste so yummy?

I am also officially a druggie. Yes. You heard it here first. I learnt in psych that heroin stimulates the release of endorphins. And so does exercise. And now, when I don't go to the gym, even if it's just for a day, I suffer from this overwhelming, almost alarming withdrawal symptoms. Like I totally crash. There was once, I came back and slept until 8 pm!!!! And then I was completely stoned. I didn't feel like doing anything. Why la? WHY? Why do u invigorate my senses???
Two tests coming up, one lab report and one online test due. I also hate studying further level functions. But, I am liking vectors. Hehe. Ok. Gotta run.