Sunday, August 24, 2008

Itchy Stitch-Y

5:04 AM

Dear Stitch (you know who u are)

I know this is completely random but I decided to do some googling for myself this time around and I think this one looks exactly like u in your legendary blue jumper. Anyways, thanks for bringing daftpunk into my life, coz once again, you've made me plunge into a love affair with yet another stream of music (apparently this one has a lot to do with helmets. LOL) I will be devastated when you decide to come and claim your ipod......

Stitch. Doooooon't leaaave next year!!!! :(((((((

ps : I keep thinking of that Stitch arghahahaghahahha impersonation that you did.

pps: I also googled gecko, but none of them had large enough eyes.


tha said...

oh my gosh, u actually have someone who has eyes like a gecko?!?!
anyway i LOVE Stitch! tho i know you're not referring to me. haha! DIMI!!! hotstuff!!! lovelovelove. xox

Dimi said...

Thaaaaayaaaaaaa. Long time since u commented on my blog la babe! How have u been holding up? LOL. Yes. Her eyes are THAT huge. Actually, come to think of it, she looks more like stitch coz her mouths THAT big too.

You don't have a huge mouth and eyes now, do you? hehe.
