Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the final countdown

4:12 AM

I have a lot of pictures. Of Shereen, Shalene and me at our final outing. Of Ben's farewell. Of Mike and Cassie at KLIA (random, I know....). Of my family reunion this CNY in Seremban. Too bad you won't be seeing any of them.... I'm sorry, I just have too many things to do with the limited amount of time I have in Malaysia.

Here's a short summary of how the weekend and a little beyond went. Lunched and watched Meet the Spartans with Shereen and Sha on Fri. Had an awesome time. Balik Kampung on Sat with me driving and Trixie (lil sis) sitting by my side while bobbing our heads to Ben's Backstreet Boys cd.... which I still have with me. (sorry Ben!!!) I had so much fun with the cousins in Seremban. Glad I got to see them again before I leave. We chatted over big lunches and poked fun at each other. And my grandmother kept reminding me that this might be the last time I see her. And I kept telling her "no, no, no". And then she gave me this granny sweater, which made me remember that it's the thought that counts. And then went for Ben's farewell on Sunday where we gambled and indulged in Peach Vodka courtesy of Billy. And I got to loh yee sang for the 1st time this year.

Sent him of at KLIA early Monday morning. It was an emotional affair. But I couldn't cry. I think I have numb tear ducts! I am not emo enough la. I think my romance nerves are stagnant too. I watched 2 very sappy romantic movies and managed to laugh in satirism at both. The first one was Must Love Dogs starring Diane Lane and John Cusack. Dull and draggy. The 2nd one was You've Got Mail starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. I just don't get the Meg Ryan craze.

Packing's getting more intense. I leave in exactly 8 days!!! I've already half packed. Just need to stuff more clothes n earrings n shirts and random stuff into it. Bought lotsa stuff today and yesterday. Gotta run. Loads of things to do.

You know you love me.



tha said...

i hate packing as much as i love doing it, its a love hate thing i have for packing. u didn't like You've Got Mail? hunnie this means trouble!!! as in u need some love babe!

i know i love u? nah~~~ ahaha kidding love and missing u to bits! oh oh but we cried together remember? boy was that hard! i think u need me la! just say it. ;p xxxxoxo