Saturday, November 10, 2007

She-shar? Shisha? or Syisya?

7:44 PM

If you come to think of it, the things that you will miss most once you can hardly experience it again are indeed the tiny details and most nonsensical of the lot... how true!

Evil Spawn : I tell you! it's syisha la k. Where got such thing as sheee sharrrr?
Antichrist 666: WTV la. Can we just order it now. I don't care what the spelling is...
She-Devil : You do know that syisha is the beginning of all the evil in the world right? Syisha first, then what next?
Drugs? Tattoos? Casual sex? Alcoholic-ism? It all stems from syisha! It's the start of all evil! It's the reason
people go around with signboards saying "the end is near!".
Evil Spawn : Woman. You've got ish-shoes!

Antichrist 666: We need to go somewhere where there're elephants in abundance. Dimz wants to ride on an elephant.
In NZ all she'll get to ride on are cows and sheep... U saw tht show right? the haunted sheep one. "Biri-
Biri terasuk?" but in english???!!?? Ahaha. U should watch the show la. Then u might get tips on how
to survive random sheep invasions.
(Me trying to think up a witty comeback but failing due to the lameness of it all)
She-Devil : So so? Where we goin??
Evil Spawn : Bali la. Got elephants and beaches... Can throw her towards the elephants.
Satan's PA turned dickhead : Ahahhaha. No shield already. Adam gone! We spare no mercy. Full on blow!
Antichrist 666 : Eh, don't la. She cannot go NZ dee then. I say we intoxicate her and then bury her in the beach, head
up, for the crabs. *laughs in antogonism*
She devil : So we goin Bali eh? When when?
Evil spawn : Soon. Leave it to me la. I am the master of sorts. *clasps fingers together*
(Me, feeling like I am somehow not there and floating above like an apparition, merely looking over the conversation)
Dickhead : Bloody hell! Ruler of all evil headin this way. Twelve o clock. DOn't lOoK!
Evil Spawn n Anti turn immediatly
Dick : WTH! I said don't look la! Die. Coming over. Coming over *through fake smile and gritted teeth*
She-devil : Doesn't Ruler of all evil live in Damansara? How come in Hartamas???
She devil gets the most excruciating look of mockery from evil spawn.
Evil Spawn : Didn't they teach u in school that people are motile?
Dickhead ducks under table
Dick : Dude. Say I'm sick to my stomach. Cover for me.
Evil n Anti : She saw u already la u freak!!
Everyone gets up and we migrate to starbucks nestled just next to the place where the Ruler of all Evil resides.
This I will truly miss. The satanic gang that I've known all my life. Will love you guys despite the conversations which consistently rot to rubbish on a regular basis. The lame opinions. The will to stay out til the werewolves reform their human selves. And the urge to stick together like a rat pack. Be it politics or the weather, nothing has ever or will ever get witty. I hope I find a gregarious group again in time to come.
PS : Sorry if you got lost in the muddle. This is merely an appreciation statement....