Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Addictive Business

11:31 PM

In the hospital, we see addiction every day. It's shocking how many kinds of addiction exist. It would be too easy if it were just drugs and booze and cigarettes. I think the hardest part of kicking a habit is wanting to kick it. I mean, we get addicted for a reason, right? Often, too often, things that start out as just a normal part of your life at some point cross the line to obsessive, compulsive, out of control. It's the high we're chasing, the high that makes everything else fade away. - Greys Anatomy, Season 3

I am addicted to the high that comes with hanging out with friends. I love socializing. I love friends. I adore socializing with friends. So is it any wonder that I've become fixated/addicted to making more friends?

Ok, maybe that was an exaggeration. But there is something wrong with me. I can feel it in my gut. I keep wanting, or much rather, longing to do something crazy before I become bound to studies once again. It's either the rebel in me that's causing these severe bouts of hype or my current social status which seems to be mindblowingly awesome. I can't stand it! I want to do something CRAzeEeEeE..... I want to be out of control. I want to do things that I would not even consider on a regular basis. I want my last few months here to be memorable....

The week so far has been super busy, super energizing, super fun! I feel like I am running on a natural high. Like somehow, I can never feel tired. Like my system is making natural red bull which is constantly keeping me fueled. I feel liberated! Invigorated! I practically leap out of bed like every new day is an adventure.

I spent Monday morning with Evil Spawn. Went swimming and talked crap over lunch. And then went in hunt of something he needed for some ridiculous party. Then at around 6 ish, I picked Mike up from work and after much debate, we ended up at Bangsar Village in the plush comforts of Nandos for dinner. Both conversation and company was great. I like talking to Mike! And I got back my tupperwares from the BBQ from him. So the night ceased on a high note.

Picked Nishan up from his place on tuesday morning and we went to collect the banner from his sister's place in Brickfields before heading over to the carwash venue in Sentul. I have ABSOLUTELY no comment with regards to the carwash venue. Sorry if I tugged too tightly at your curiosity strings. Anyhow, I found out that Nishan has like a lifetime plan for himself which encompasses study, work and retired phases. I, on the other hand, have a tomorrow plan. That's as far as it goes. It's nice to talk to a person who shares all areas of his life with me, especially since I would consider myself a private person. I kinda adore his ability to trust without apprehension. Coz in those few hours, I got to know him well. Later in the evening, I met up with Bernard and Calvin at Starbucks in pyramid. Went over the program for the InterConference with Cal and then talked politics with Bernard who has intentions to run for DRR. Got to know heaps about numerous personalities in the rotaract scene from him. Dinner was on Cal. We had Indian food. ANd they made me eat til I felt like puking. Guys!

This morning was spent with Yen Lee, Nishan and Yen's sister at Sunway Pyramid. Just in case you were wondering, I did not volunteer to participate, I was invited. LOL. Shopped for Nishan's sister's wedding gift, she's getting married this weekend! (and apparently, the whole marriage cost like 1 million M'sian ringgit). And then headed to Kim Gary for lunch. Lunch was on them. Again, I did not happily accept the offer. Will be meeting with the gang later this evening for more invigorating moments. Apparently the Bali thing may not be happening so I have my protests all set and ready to be presented.

Summarized above was my week so far.

Highlights tomorrow : Me packing for InterConference at USM Penang and last min preparations. Might go for med check up tomorrow. Apparently the emceeing thing should be spontaneous and not prepared. Horrors! But I'll do fine, Calvin's there.... Ahhh, can't wait, can't wait! Friday, come quick.. I await you!

Still, they say you don’t kick the habit until you hit rock bottom, but how do you know when you’re there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes letting it go hurts even worse.


tha said...

hunney!!! talk about the 'socialising' business your doing now! see look whose the one who should be giving the 'tips' to socializing~~ *applause* such envy that picturing you doing all those is something like picturing a 'Lauren' from The Hills (you're definately 1000 times better from her character but in contrast to what she does, its good!).
Btw its not just a verbal support dear be aware that i'm always 'there' by your side giving an extra 10% spiritual support.*wink* xxx

Dimi said...

thanx tha. These few weeks have been completely crazy. Lovin every second of it. No idea who's Lauren from The Hills. LOL. I can almost feel you by my side!