Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Say Ohm and Wait...

11:21 PM

Patience is required while I update my blog.... As most should already know, I use dial up, which means I have learnt to become very patient in the past few years and which indirectly means, you, my dear readers will have to be patient too as I sought means to post pictures of my remarkable travels via a hassle free way....

The reason I'm using extra small font is to ensure that anyone who clicks on my link experiences some sorta challenge....albeit, only squinting and grimacing.....just so that you don't go %$*^%$, she hasn't updated her blog yet!!!

Apart from this blog, I have to update the rotaract blog. And after slogging with yesterday's presentation with Eu Sheng at the SyUC library which brought back LOADS of pleasant and unpleasant deja vu episodes, I am not too thrilled to start all over again.

Anyhow, here's a small sneak preview of what's to come. The APRRC was GREAT , so awesome that I can assure you that some of us participants didn't mind if the whole thing went on for a year or more. People there were so PASSIONATE about rotaract, they lived and breathed for the club. It was nice to be the less passionate one for once... Back here, I feel disillusioned ever so often. It was a whole different situation there. People did things without being asked, they knew where the boundaries lay and they went all out. I guess the reason we had so much fun was because despite being so different from each other - speaking different languages, and having different cultures, we all felt exactly the same way about one thing - Rotaract. Everything else was a blur haze amidst the rotaract-ive spirit that engulfed A Famosa resort from the 24th to the 28th of August.

More awaits............