Friday, March 30, 2007

Babble Babble- Stomp-Yawn...Babble, gurgle...zzzz

8:39 AM

So, let's get straight down to the events that have occured during the past few days....
A few minutes ago ; Aahhhhh! Integration!!! Bwek.....

Today : Jacintha got accepted into Harvard!!! And I made it my business to tell the entire world, caused a ruckus but of the good kind..... She wanted to remain low profile but just like i did for Adam, i refused to let her....
U know what? I kinda hold a grudge against Harvard. That irritatingly perfect place has got some of the most renowned scientists/geniuses and professors in the world, but it won't stop at that. NOOOOO! The place chooses to steal two of my bestest friends as well. And it (the stinking place) didn't even give me at least a year to recover.

Anyway, on a higher note, had lunch and went for a movie with her today. A hearty meal at Nando's, followed by a very exhilarating run of Stomp the Yard (kinda reignited my hopes of becoming a dancer) and then off to grocery shopping, mostly for her but i was glad to help..... She reciprocated by buying me a pine of Baskin Robin's frozen vanilla flavoured yoghurt plus some coffee tasting fusion, which my family finished today btw regardless of me being the only lactose intolerant one in the house........ sigh!

Yesterday : It was picture taking day..... Not my most favourite day in the world but yea, it turned out pretty ok. I don't know why, but i look incredibly horrible in pictures. I'm not saying that i'm a natural stunner in reality neither am i making excuses for my lack of photogenic-ity, but pictures completely distort me. Exams approaching, getting more worried but not worried enough to drown myself in books like Wannitta does everyday. That girl is scary!!!!

Maintaining a platonic relationship with someone is becoming increasingly difficult. Why do i feel obliged to care about him and do stuff for him? Hate myself! I refuse to elaborate. Will not entertain questions/comments...... Did i mention that i hate myself? Coz i do, really.....

A couple of days ago : I adore driving when i'm alone. There's this transformation.... As soon as i insert the key into the ignition, slide on my fake 'oversized' Chanel sunglasses and revv off, another persona consumes me. On the road, i give off the aura of being a super confident, sleek driver. I navigate pride with the wheel and my devil-may-care attitude, although bad, attracts a lot of 'unwanted' and partly 'wanted' attention on the road.. Believe me, i can catch the eye of whoever i wish. It takes tecnhique, a small car to swerve in and out, an awesome sound system with good music and big hair to make the highway your way.... It's something i've mastered surprisingly well.....

Anyway, i stopped at the traffic light right infront of a 'roti' man that day and it really hit me how much i wanted to jump outta my seat and consume all the diverse types of bread that were displayed on the unwieldy bread box of his.... I've never in my life shunned carbs but it's been a looooong time since i've eaten white bread. A gals gotta do what a gals gotta do.....

Also noticed that the ultra huge poster of Rowan Atkinson by Taylor's School of Architecture, Hospitality and Tourism portrayed a lot wrinkles on his garish face. The first thought that came to me was, he's getting older! But then i looked a little closer and realized that the poster was wrinkled at those places........ Speaks loads about how i've started to look past the tiny details that pieces the puzzle together in the first place...

Mom's been nagging me to start scouting for internships already. Considering i have not applied for universities and i've been completely shirking my chores (which she is receptive to compared to most moms), i think it's the least i could do to make her happy. But WHY can't i get myself to do it already. Procrastination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cassie said...

there...i made my presence felt =)