Sunday, May 16, 2010


12:13 PM

I think my study life is eating my social life to crumbs. Thus far, I have missed out on a rugby game with tickets going for cheap (you can't say u've stayed in NZ til you've been to a rugby match), but that was not really all to do with studying either. I've missed out on UMSA day out. I've missed out on drinks and a night out with my housemate and her workmates. Everytime there's a social planned, I frantically search in my head for some sort of excuse to come up with just so I can fit in yet another hour of study. Although it comforts me that what I'm doing is not normative of my attitude when all the studying bits are subtracted from my equation of life, it is still quite unsettling that I do not see some of my friends as much I want to. =(

In the next couple of weeks, I have a International Finance test, two 1000 word reports due and an essay on non normative group behavior due on the same day as my financial economics assignment. I think I've got a plan sussed out. But sometimes plans only remain plans. The difference is, this time I am determined to get it to work.

Even more so unsettling is my dropped affinity for the gym. It's getting boring to do the treadmill routine. And it's a pity that I didn't bring my swimsuit and have not had the time to go get one (honestly, I need to shop. I've not been shopping since i landed in NZ!). The effect? These days I make it to the gym approximately three times a week. Once I get a swimsuit, I will go swim. I've joined the futsal team playing at BERSATU games coz team sports gives me more to look forward to. And if all goes well I will be hitting the uni gym for Zumba classes with Kailas and Melitta this week on wards. A little spicing up in routine is exactly what I need.

Started my mentoring last Friday with two lovely girls at Ponsonby intermediate school. The session was really short but I got to know them on a moderate level. Coincidently, one of the girls' names was Dimi. Imagine that. I've lived my life all this while not knowing another Dimi and then I meet this young girl who I am supposed to mentor and her name is Dimi! I look forward to more mentoring sessions....

I am becoming more and more broke each day, and since I don't shop I honestly wonder where the money is going. I guess it's predominantly rent, social stuff and food that I pay for. Haven't heard from my jobs in yonks. Wonder if the company is even nailing any events. rawr. oh well. 5 minutes out. Need to shower and get set for uni.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Out of Control

1:17 PM

Sometimes........ a single phone call can make the world seem like a better place.

have you ever felt like you were swivelling out of control?
like no matter how much you tried.....
what you know is in your hands doesn't actually feel like it is anymore..

have you ever felt like you've created a mountain of mess....
and while you can still fix it....
time doesn't permit it.

And when you feel that way,
just one simple talk, one simple call...
one simple chant of hope and believe...
one simple song, sung by one familiar voice...
and one simple laugh that leads to a throng of laughter
makes all your insecurities melt away....
(I hope you've experienced that feeling)

last night wasn't a very good night. Thank you Akash for the pep talk! what would i do without thee... lol...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Five Minute Fun

3:03 AM

My bloggin hiatuses seem to surpass former ones that I had by miles as time goes on. In fact, where I used to be the one to blog almost weekly and maybe even twice a week in the past, I have now become one of those people who envy bloggers who are able to blog twice weekly.

It's the wee hours of the morning in NZ and I've given myself 5 minutes to come up with a post. So without much beating around the bush, I will be informative about what's going on with me here. I'm doing four papers again this time. Three of which make me question myself quite frequently and one which I enjoy to bits. UMSA remains my most time consuming (in a good way) extra curriculur activity. Others that I have taken to is mentoring to add a lil extra bit to my psych degree. And I've joined the UMSA futsal team and will be playing at our BERSATU games this year. The other girls on the team are great and we have heaps of fun together. I am also planning to attend zumba classes at the uni gym with Melitta and Kailas if I manage to pull myself out of bed every saturday morning.

I've not spread the word yet but I recently got a job. A casual events job with one of the more recognized events companies here that pays pretty well. I will be paid more once I am deemed "experienced" but for now I try and take one job per week. Working with Urban is different. It feels like every once a week I transverse into a different world where carrying a tray with flutes is what you simply HAVE to know to get by and knowing the colour of wine is paramount. The people I meet are great!

My five minutes is runnin, I'm gonna end this with a couple of pictures of my home and try and do five minute updates more frequently.

My balcony =D

My room, it's a lil messy with boxes around and all that...

The kitchen area


Lounge area =D

And the roses that Akash got meeee =D hehe. I just realized that I forgot the dining area. shucks.

Have a good day!