1:27 PM
Milestones. Have you ever stopped at a certain point in your life and considered the stuff you've achieved? When i was nineteen I still remember making a list of things that I planned to do before I reached the age of 21. Needless to say, being the mildly risk averse person I am, I could only tick off a few pointers on my to-do list. Subsequently, I came to terms with the reality that I was always a late bloomer. Coming off age. Adapting. Falling in love. All my experiences were right skewed in a bell shaped curve with respect to age. Even when i wake up in the morning, I like to take my time with breakfast and drag myself around in my PJs before rushing out into the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Taking my time has become constrained of late though. With the re opening of uni and yet another semester where I am subjected to intense assignmenting and reading and reading and reading. I could be motivated and taking on everything with zest. And honestly, I wish it were the case. But all that I feel at the moment is lethargy. I feel like a slug trying to crawl out of it's muddy hole. I don't suppose I'm lazy, I think it's just the exhaustion speaking from the lack of rejuvenation after my summer semester.
UMSA activities just came in a string of events this year. First the lantern fest which found me drenched in all the types of food which i cannot imagine eating any time in the near future. And then came membership drive closely followed by the orientation barbeque. That combined with the first week of uni, signing documents to end the search for my apartment and trying to live a moderately healthy lifestyle has left me slightly cramped for my own personal space, not to mention extremely sleep deprived. And still, I find myself craving to have a job and earning to compensate for my own lifestyle.
If so many people out there can cope with everything that's on their plate, why wouldn't I be. Of course I understand that I am me and not those people. But still, I should be able to handle the average level of stress. That leaves me with yet another milestone to achieve. Before I ramble further in yet another pictureless post, I should stop myself.
Many apologies to the friends that I have failed to spend time with in my haste to tick off the things on my never ending to do list. Allow me to come around. I promise i will.
Taking my time has become constrained of late though. With the re opening of uni and yet another semester where I am subjected to intense assignmenting and reading and reading and reading. I could be motivated and taking on everything with zest. And honestly, I wish it were the case. But all that I feel at the moment is lethargy. I feel like a slug trying to crawl out of it's muddy hole. I don't suppose I'm lazy, I think it's just the exhaustion speaking from the lack of rejuvenation after my summer semester.
UMSA activities just came in a string of events this year. First the lantern fest which found me drenched in all the types of food which i cannot imagine eating any time in the near future. And then came membership drive closely followed by the orientation barbeque. That combined with the first week of uni, signing documents to end the search for my apartment and trying to live a moderately healthy lifestyle has left me slightly cramped for my own personal space, not to mention extremely sleep deprived. And still, I find myself craving to have a job and earning to compensate for my own lifestyle.
If so many people out there can cope with everything that's on their plate, why wouldn't I be. Of course I understand that I am me and not those people. But still, I should be able to handle the average level of stress. That leaves me with yet another milestone to achieve. Before I ramble further in yet another pictureless post, I should stop myself.
Many apologies to the friends that I have failed to spend time with in my haste to tick off the things on my never ending to do list. Allow me to come around. I promise i will.
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