Pasifika Updates
11:54 AM
Hectic week. Can't blog much about every single thing that happened, although I would love to if time permitted. This is probably the best I can do. I NEED to gather some good ground on the studies side. And today's the only day that I can achieve as much as I want to. Been tired and exhausted ALOT lately. Staying up during lectures are proving to be increasingly difficult. Tutorials are a retreat of a different kind, still, I find it hard to fully participate due to either not knowing enough or out of fear. Which I am trying to overcome. Fingers crossed, by this year. Being born into a culture of submissive ness and repressed outspoken ness is not at all helpful. sigh. Anyways, I shall leave the ranting for later and the images for now =D.

Amidst all the business, I slept over at Charlotte's house on Friday. We watched NZ's next top model together and then American Idol and we perpetually slammed contestants with over the top criticisms that even Simon Cowell wouldn't have been able to dish out. LOL.

Charlotte was such a darling. She picked me up and sent me back and drove me here and there and even made my bed for me before and after I woke up. Plus she had to wake up early just to send me to Britomart the next day so I could catch the bus with the other UMSA members to Western Springs park for the Pasifika Festival. Hats off Charlo!
Here's me and Lala.. I only found out that she stays at Huia when I met her at Britomart...
Upon arriving at Western Springs, I split from the UMSA group to meet up with Melitta and we journeyed the festival together.... The festival included little performances and booths selling food and other stuff by the Pacific Islanders... (ie: Fijians, Cook Islanders, Samoans, Tongans and the whole lot)
Melitta and I were kinda hungry so we shared this waffle with ice cream and chocolate sauce and raspberries. OMG. Heavenlyyyyyyyyy! AND huge.
But sharing is caring. And so just that we did when it came to any food at all.....
Us and Miss Pacific Island.... =D She's pretty!
Mel saw her friend Kati there as well. Here's us and Kati.
One of the Fijian stalls had this interesting err, i'm not sure what it's called. But I like the colours.
ANd they had all sorts of games. This one involved hitting a shuttlecock into the holes..... LOL
Me and one of the Fijian guards. I was SO shy to ask him if I could take a photo with him but Mel forced me to.....
This was Mel's Bakvalolo. Some Fijian dessert that the girl was clearly in love with. It's made out of rice flour, bananas, brown sugar and caramel I think. It tasted awfully familiar. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's available in Malaysia as well. Just that it's called something else. I denied myself too much. Diet... yes.
Gees. In abundance.
Naomi joined us midway.... My UMSA president... =)
Melitta and me. I like her dresssssss! And Leez, aren't u proud? hehe. I bring a piece of you everywhere I go
One of the cook Island dancers. OMG. their hips!!! SO gyrateable! I wanna learn how to dance like that
if you don't already know, i managed to get the job at Configure Express as a receptionist. I work from 6 am - 9 am every mondays and tuesdays and earn quite well for the 6 hours that I put in every week. Plus, now I get employee perks! I get to use the gym for absolutely no cost as much as I want until I decide to quit. =D So not only do I earn money but I also SAVE money!!! Joyousness! My colleagues are pretty helpful although I feel like a noob most of the time coz I can't answer heaps of questions directed my way by the gym users. I'm learning. Slowly.... The only downside to the job is how despicably early I have to wake up each morning and walk down the completely desserted streets to the gym. It's scary. Every now and then I do a pivotal 360 degree turn just to make sure I am not being followed by a hobo or a serial rapist or killer or a bulldog..... And walking in the frigid cold in nothing but my gym gear is not as torturous now as it will get soon enough. Above is my uniform.
Amidst all the business, I slept over at Charlotte's house on Friday. We watched NZ's next top model together and then American Idol and we perpetually slammed contestants with over the top criticisms that even Simon Cowell wouldn't have been able to dish out. LOL.
Charlo and me
and again........ the usual repertoire
her room, oh so spick and span..... and comfyyyyy............ boy, do i miss sleeping in a proper house..
And for the very first time, I managed to get my tastebuds around a satisfying burger fuel burger. I went for the lightweigh grilled chicken burger with aioli. Heaven!!! And it wasn't as expensive as I thought it would be... Charlo and Kate had the heavy weight burgers with fries and the whole deal. I was just keeping my purse strings tight and I wouldn't have been able to finish the entire thing aneeewayyyy.... But YuMMY!
Charlo and Kate had to cut their burgers into halves in order to consume the entire thing....
Charlotte was such a darling. She picked me up and sent me back and drove me here and there and even made my bed for me before and after I woke up. Plus she had to wake up early just to send me to Britomart the next day so I could catch the bus with the other UMSA members to Western Springs park for the Pasifika Festival. Hats off Charlo!
that last dress Melitta's wearing is SO adorable!
you won't believe how much I talk here cos like all the other malaysians I've met here are even quieter than me so I have to make up for like 6 ppl. Even with my voice sounding all weird (it's sexy apparently) I talk SO much. And I'm older than my 2nd year seniors. It's SO funny.
and I HAVE to tell you about the cute/hot/both guys here. There're four
dmeeeee me me me blah
no tube. i noticed. hahaha! boobies lives up to her name!
wow you wore it more times than me, and to think i only wore the dress you gave me ONCE. haha.
haha yea!! u wore a tube with it the last time. lol dimi! the name is urs again. boobies!
shereen : I wanna seee cute boysss!!! NOW! bring them here shereeen. I insist! N yea! so adorable right. me thinks so too. but u memang talk a lot what. hahhhahaha. okeh. I meant to ppl ur fond of.
kc : loco cassie!
Leez :Of coz i'd wear it more than once la. geez. U didn't get it for me, u made me pay for it! U hv a reason not to wear the one i got you coz it was FOC. LOL. If u got it, flaunt it babeh. I'm doin it divasya style...
Reshme : I'd rather be called boobies than flat chested. SO i shall embrace the name. Muchaz graciaz!
yeah true but I talk shit to EVRYONE. and there's 5 now actually one of them is BEN. I love ben. he's like an older brother but he's 19. and I can't talk about one particular one cos it's seriously too painful. Like lots of shit is going on and like when I'm actually over this bit and I feel better I'll tell you EVERYZTHING. I promise. but not now I can't. But I'm basically wearing my heart on my blog honestly.
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