Here's my Now
5:06 PM
I've joined only UMSA so far, which is the Malaysian students Association. There's an orientation BBq coming up this sat. And they have random activities spread out through the year... Finally cleaned my room. So it doesn't really look like a pig sty anymore.
My schedule this semester is pretty relaxed... On Mon and Wed I start at three and finish at six, with n hour break in between. On tuesdays, I have a class at ten and then nothing til around 5 pm. Thursdays, I start at ten and finish at 1 pm and on Fridays, I have a ridiculously sparse timetable. Still tryin to figure out what to squeeze within the hour breaks... Although, I'm pretty sure I'll be sitting down somewhere (....if i can find a place to sit down) and studying... My subject combination's pretty random too. I decided to do one psych paper and one stats paper which are the prerequisited to go on to psych stage two. And I'm also taking an Econs paper and a Politics paper to fulfill my general education requirement. I wanted to get into the spanish class badly but they fill up real fast and I left enrolment to the last minute, so yea......
Somehow, I find myself slowly dwindling back into that life of routine.... I guess, this time, no matter how much I want to, I can't fight it. This is something I have to do. I should be feeling lucky. After all, how many people actually get to come here and experience what I am... But at times, I don't feel that way. Studying abroad is a test of your patience, your financial prudence, your ability to cope with a new and challenging environment. It's a growing process like no other... So no matter how lucky I should feel, there's always that nagging feeling within me, asking what now? Where do I go from here? Is that it? As far as now goes, that's never "it".....
Lantern Festival at Albert Park, day 2 upon arriving....
The throngs of people and the stalls that were set up during the lantern fest
F&PAA, this is the brand new business building at UoA... it's where I have most of my lectures....
The view from F&PAA (Fisher and Paykel)
This was the outdoor orchestra that I went to at the Auckland Domain, sorry, there're barriers blocking the view....
The throngs of people that turned up, all sitting on the grass which doesn't turn soggy no matter what....
....and there're no mosquitoes at all!
Our own little gathering, from left is Caroline fm Germany, me (yes, I know, my hair looks disgustingly flat....), one of the floor RAs, Trishvin (my RA) and one of the Swedish residents.
The view from Su Lyn's apartment at The Quadrant.... the green roofed building's the law faculty...
More buildings... I like the red roof ones!!
And there's the quay, amidst the construction..... See any cows yet?? No?? Thank you very much!!
Those are the kinds of roads I'm talking about... they're all like that... This one's in the city center....
This one was taken at the Harbour, down Quay street... From left, Joanna, me, Ashish, Vim and Jack
And again.... these are a few of my closest friends here... Joanna's a M'sian fm Perth, Ash is from India, Vim and Jack are both JPA scholars from M'sia
There's me and Trish... She's such a great company with loads of great advice to boot. Trish is a JPA scholar from Malaysia too.....
There's me and Joanna. Joanna's a biomed student who lived in Perth for 3 years. She looks so Malay right? But she's chinese and about 18 years old this year. She's so adorably cute!!
hmmm... *blink*
your straight hair needs some getting used to for me. want to be me now is it.. hahahaahahahahahaa *slap*
*sarcasm*OFCOURSE I wanna be you and have so much drama in my life that I cannot afford to think about ne thing else*end sarcasm* LOL. Where have u been ne way?? I don't see u on msn ne more and I see KC A LOT...
I, unlike Cassie, have classes to attend in the morning. Either that or I'm out. Sorry.
And where got my life so dramatic that I cannot think of anything else?? Gossip Girl now, isit? Haha. That reminds me, you haven't seen the last episode of GG yet!!! Remember to watch it when you're in NZ kay!
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